interface EncryptionConfig {
    makeKeyDelay?: number;
    manageMediaKeys?: boolean;
    updateEncryptionKeyThrottle?: number;
    useKeyDelay?: number;


makeKeyDelay?: number

The delay (in milliseconds) after a member leaves before we create and publish a new key, because people tend to leave calls at the same time.

manageMediaKeys?: boolean

If true, generate and share a media key for this participant, and emit MatrixRTCSessionEvent.EncryptionKeyChanged when media keys for other participants become available.

updateEncryptionKeyThrottle?: number

The minimum time (in milliseconds) between each attempt to send encryption key(s). e.g. if this is set to 1000, then we will send at most one key event every second.

useKeyDelay?: number

The delay (in milliseconds) between creating and sending a new key and starting to encrypt with it. This gives other a chance to receive the new key to minimise the chance they don't get media they can't decrypt. The total time between a member leaving and the call switching to new keys is therefore: makeKeyDelay + useKeyDelay